The Official Newsletter of the University of Puthisastra (UP)-Vol.43 July 2020 Download

The University of Puthisastra (UP) continues to invest in quality education. Recently, three operating tables (OT) have been installed in the Simulation Laboratory. The installation of these tables will improve considerably the simulation-based surgical training program, that allows training of medical students in sutures, chest drains, wound dressing and other procedures. The students will also acquire the communication skills needed to be part of a surgical team and will learn how to take prompt action in unexpected occurrences that may happen during a surgical operation. We are confident that the acquisition of these tables will contribute to boost our students’ knowledge and experience in surgery.
This tournament reached its conclusion with Round Four, which was the hardest round, limited to 24 hours and was related to the topics of:
- Combinatorics
- Dynamic Programming
- Graph Theory
- Bit Manipulations
The top 15 students among 126 received a well deserved certificate! For the ICT Department it was a pleasure to contribute to the first nationwide coding competition in Cambodia which we believe will inspire students nationwide to develop their skills in Information & Communication Technology.UP would like to thank the organisers at Paragon International University, supporters at the Royal University of Phnom Penh as well as the sponsors, Mango Byte and Slash Foundry, who made this event possible. We’re already looking forward to CS Cup 2021!

-16-17-18 September 2020, pchum ben days -24 september 2020, constitutional day |

Foundation Year (FY) commenced its online teaching and learning through Google Meet on 25th May 2020, which marks the official launch of Semester 2 for the Academic Year 2019-2020. FY uses Google Meet and UPOP as its mediums of instruction, engagement, and two-way communication between course lecturers and students.
During Week 6 of the semester, the majority of students turned up on time for live delivery, while demonstrating enthusiasm and interest in the sessions. Despite some challenges, such as internet connectivity issues, occasional power outages experienced by some students (and a little tardiness), we made sure each individual student was not left behind as they were given full access to teaching resources, such as pre-recorded videos, recorded lessons, PowerPoint slide presentations and other teaching and learning materials. These materials are made available in UPOP, and also sent to students via the Telegram app on request, in order to ensure equal and equitable accessibility for everyone.
Another teaching method to make sure that students are not disadvantaged by live delivery due to the aforementioned obstacles is ‘UPOP enquiry.’ Some lecturers have created online forums, which are one of UPOP’s many tools, where they posted discussion questions, case-based questions, and scenarios in UPOP to undertake follow-up comprehension checks. Some lecturers chose to do so in advance of their classes, with the intent being to enable students to increase their sense of class preparedness and to help them master the lessons positively. Students have also been getting involved in peer-assisted learning and question-and-answer sessions allocated during live instruction classes. These sessions enable each student to pose questions under discussion; lecturers ask students questions and vice versa.
The level of engagement with this approach does vary from class to class, regardless of a variety of online methodologies being employed by FY lecturers. Some lecturers have reported back that one of the major causes of this is that the students have not yet become completely used to this new teaching-learning paradigm and will need more time to familiarise themselves with it. However, the vast majority of students have been able to manage to attend the classes during the first part of Semester Two, which is a real success for them, and an endorsement of the intense work done by UP to continue to provide excellent teaching and learning.

Full name: Huot Lychhea
Majoring at UP: Medical Laboratory Technology
Current workplace: Armed Forces Research Institute of Medical Sciences (AFRIMS)
Work experience: Malarial Microscope, Malarial In-Vitro culture, Entomology (Feeding and
Dissection), G6PD Testing, Be Trainer G6PD testing, completed “External Competence Assessment for Malarial Microscope” (ECA level 1) certify by WHO, Completed “Transport Biomedical Transportation” course.
“Failure beats success when it comes to how much you can learn from it”.
Full name: Heng Leangyi
Majoring at UP: Medical Laboratory Technology
Current workplace: Institut Pasteur du Cambodge
“Nothing impossible: the word itself says: “I’m possible!”

PharmaCareer Club aims to orient pharmacy students to choose the right career pathway based on their competencies and potentials, and to provide pharmacy students with successful experiences and tips from professionals working within the dynamic field of pharmacy. With 50 participants, PharmaCareer Club invited two honorable speakers in the past two weeks.
Mr. Uch Navin, the Owner of Propey Pharmacy and the Industrial Operations Director of PPM, shared his knowledge and experiences within the pharmaceutical industry. Economic growth has resulted from improvements in the regional production chain, and the pharmaceutical industry has played an important role in boosting the economy. The influence of the role of working as a pharmacist was explored within this context of economic growth in the wider pharmaceutical industry.
Mr. Uch Navin has had extensive experience in the pharmaceutical industry since 2009. He was also the recipient of the Investco Best Practice Award in 2013.
He explained and shared his questions and reflections in detail, specifically about the potential of the local pharmaceutical industry to grow and develop within the wider healthcare market. He also provided excellent advice and tips on how to become a qualified pharmacist, as well as information about various opportunities that pharmacists can use to build on their talents. Finally, he gave positive guidance on how to achieve success in a professional career. These kind of events can only stimulate the potential of pharmacy students, particularly those have a passion for the industry.
Moving from the private sector to the public sector, Dr. Chhay Sopanhana, who currently works at Kandal Provincial Health Department as a Regulatory Officer in charge of private sector and quality improvement, gave a presentation about the role of working as a pharmacist within a public sector setting. He kindly shared his experiences of the roles of a pharmacist in the public health system, with a particular focus on provincial health department work. His experience serves as a great example for students as they begin to consider their future areas of work within the pharmaceutical profession.

For Registration and more information, please contact:
Tel : +855 85 822 349 / +855 23 221 624, Email:

Clerkship is an opportunity provided to students to observe and practise what they have learned at the university, in order to improve their practical skills and attitude towards best practice in the profession of pharmacy. During the period of the Covid-19 pandemic, all schools and universities remain physically closed.
Physical clerkship activities are also postponed but in response, UP is providing online delivery courses. UP’s Faculty of Pharmacy has developed an innovative online program to ensure that students receive the best possible quality of education, particularly within the domain of clerkship for out Year 4 pharmacy students. Online Clerkship training in the medical laboratory, by speakers from eight different hospitals in Cambodia was conducted by them sharing their clerkship experiences and activities. The content of this training focused on laboratory structure, laboratory management, testing methods, and the challenges within hospitals and medical laboratories that our students will face during their own clerkships.
At the end of the training, the students were able to understand the processes and experiences in laboratory activities, pharmacists’ responsibilities in hospitals, how workflow works, analytical methods, as well as machinery and equipment usage in hospital settings such as hematology, bacteriology, biochemistry, serology and immunology. The online clerkship training helps to improve clinical practice and overall attitudes towards pharmaceutical care. And as the course continues to run, adjustments will continue to be made to tailor the contents of the clerkship, in order to continue improvements its outcomes for students.