The Official Newsletter of the University of Puthisastra (UP)-Vol.25 for 01st Oct 2019 Download
On 24 September UP hosted a visit by members of the Rotary Club of Taipei Tunghua (lead by President Mr Frank Lee) and Rotary Club of Phnom Penh Capital (lead by President Ms Laura Wang). The meeting was to confirm the Rotary Global Grant entitled “CLINICAL TRAINING FOR DENTAL STUDENTS FROM THE UNIVERSITY OF PUTHISASTRA IN CAMBODIA”. The meeting was attended by the 12 UP dental students and 2 young staff members who will be going to Taiwan from 3-12 November for the exchange to National Yang-Ming University, one of the top two dental schools in Taiwan.
UP President Professor Ian Findlay, the Dean of Dentistry Callum Durward, and UP Board member Ms Nadia Wong also attended the meeting. Professor Findlay spoke of what a wonderful opportunity this exchange was for our staff and students, and of the good work that Rotary does all over the world.
Mr Frank Lee from the Tunghua club and Ms Laura Wang shared about their hopes for the partnership, and Mr Laurence Kao from Taiwan shared a power-point presentation which highlighted some of the planned activities during the exchange. Following the visit by the UP students in November, a team of professors from Taiwan will be coming to UP to teach and share with our students and staff here in early 2020. The main areas for the knowledge exchange involve oral and maxillofacial surgery, oral pathology, and new technologies in dentistry. After completion of the training the Rotary Club of Phnom Penh Capital, together with UP, will host a one-day free dental services to the community.
UPOP is now available at UP!
UP is excited to announce the implementation of UPOP – UP’s online Learning Management system. UPOP provides our lecturers with an online space to upload or develop new learning materials for students to access. Content in their UPOP space could be simply a glossary, video or reference links, or it could be an entire lesson or a set of lessons for when the lecturer is unavailable. UPOP has many collaborative tools and activities such as forums, wikis and quizzes that can either be accessed online or downloaded and viewed offline.
Using UPOP the UP students can work and learn in groups or independently; in the classroom, library or off campus; online or offline; on a PC, tablet or mobile device. Built on the famous Moodle platform, UPOP is extremely customizable, even though it has many standard features at its core. The
personalized dashboard displays current, past and future courses, along with tasks due, progress reports, communications and much more information for both the student and the teacher. It also provides the teacher with simple to use options for student tracking, grading and reporting.
Recently a paper was accepted for publication in one of the top international dental journals – Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology. The lead author was Dr Bethy Turton, UP Fellow, with co-authors Prof. Callum Durward (Dean), recent UP graduate Dr Sieng Tida, Jilen Patel (University of Western Australia) and Rachel Hill (NYU).
The paper was entitled: “Healthy Kids Cambodia – A novel approach to triage of dental care in a population with extreme caries experience”. The paper described the Healthy Kids Cambodia school dental program which UP has been instrumental in developing and implementing over the past several years, and validated how the program assigns different levels of care to different children. The application of the triage system by dental
students was found to be successful in identifying children in greatest need of complex care. All UP dental students currently participate in this school-based program, which has the endorsement of the MOH Oral Health Bureau, and the School Health Department at MOEYS.
Doctor Sandro Vento, Dean of faculty of medicine of UP and Doctor An Srim, Deputy Dean of faculty of medicine of UP recently visited CHO RAY PHNOM PENH HOSPITAL. The visit was very successful and the discussion with director of the hospital was about the memorandum of Understanding (MOU). Moreover, this hospital would like to give 100 internships to students of faculty of medicine. In addition, UP hopefully continue to build closer ties with many hospitals as far as possible in order to provide our students a good internship place.
UP Medical Laboratory Students visiting Japan
Two year-2 medical laboratory students, LY PUTHEARITH, and CHIN CHANRITH, have joined a study tour to Japan for a week from September 30th 2019 to October 6th 2019. So far, they have visited the INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH AND WELFARE as well as Medical Instrument Companies in Narita, Japan. This study tour has been organized by the Cambodia Association for Medical Technology (CAMT) and the Japan Association for Medical Technology (JAMT). The aim of this study tour is to strengthen quality and capacity of Cambodian medical laboratory technologists and students.
“Community Project, One Team – One Goal”
This is a Community Project going to Siem Riep on Sep 7th – 9th, 2019, which was done by a group of Scholarship Students with the purpose of contributing their social activities in terms of Fundamental Healthcare to the Children at SvayTom Primary School. This is also to encourage their commitment to doing social wealth-fare and exploring the new experience of the demand of the society. We believe this will be one of the most incredible memories for UP students to dedicate their time and energy to the community. One Team – One Goal!
UP Faculty of Dentistry has recently been given permission by the President to build a ceramics lab and to extend its 19-chair dental clinic. The Ceramics Lab will be in building H next to the existing dental lab with equipment donated by the UK dental technician NGO called Den-Tech.
UP Faculty of Dentistry has recently been given permission by the President to build a ceramics lab and to extend its 19-chair dental clinic. The Ceramics Lab will be in building H next to the existing dental lab with equipment donated by the UK dental technician NGO called Den-Tech.
An expansion of the dental clinic has also been approved, and will allow more space for tutors and students to meet for discussion and seminars, and for storage. The extra space will also help prevent congestion in the clinic reception area. The room will be built at the side of the existing clinic at the lift end. Dr Chris Park, our American dental tutor, has kindly provided some funding for this project.
UP pharmacy students collected voucher specimens and conducted an ethno-botanical survey at Mondulkiri province
A voucher can be broadly defined as a representative sample of an expertly identified organism that is deposited and stored at a facility from which
researchers may later obtain the specimen for examination and further study. For plants, a voucher typically consists of a herbarium specimen, a pressed and dried sample of an individual containing aboveground structures (leaves, stems, flowers, and/or fruits) and belowground structures when possible. The voucher must include an identification label that ideally lists the recognized scientific name of the plant, its accepted taxonomic authority, the name of the person who identified the sampled plant, the collector’s name, date of collection, habitat of the collection site, and the locality of the site. Those vouchers are later stored in the UP Herbarium for further botanical research.
During these four days, the students had two main activities in this original wild east region: (1) collecting the voucher specimen; and (2) conducting the ethno-botanical survey. Mondukiri province was selected for this purpose of visit because it is chock full of natural beauty, with thickly forested mountains, powerful waterfalls and the lush green rolling hills of the western side. Also interesting is the variety of languages being used: Khmer, hill tribe languages, Vietnamese and Lao. Therefore, there are different lifestyles and ways of using plants for disease treatment which gave us an insightful perspective for the research. Students did not only learn about the collection of the voucher specimen and ethno-botanical survey conduction, but they also acquired a lot of soft skills such as team-building, communication, leadership, management and community work.
The Faculty of Pharmacy of University of Puthisastra is looking for discovering and collecting different medicinal plant recipes and using evidence- based research to prove their therapeutic effects.
get to know Kamaroudin
Kamaroudin is a French-Cambodian graduated from the IT Engineer school Institut Supérieur d’Électronique de Paris (ISEP) in 2006 with a Master in Management Information System & Project Management. He started his career as a Software Developer at Sopra-Steria, working for Orange Telecom, one of the largest mobile network operators in Europe. During his 6 years at Sopra-Steria, he experienced many positions with various levels of responsibility: Technical trainer, Technical coordinator, Consultant, and Project Manager for both local and outsourced teams.
In 2010, he moved to Cambodia to found Bikay, a software development company. Starting with outsourced projects from France, the company rapidly develop with impactful projects for Cambodian institutions and corporates: Music streaming platform for a telecom company, CRM for a logistic company, NSSF Mobile application for the Ministry of Labor, Knowledge web-portals for the Ministry of Environment, Management information system for the Ministry of Education.
Passionate about education and strong with his experience and knowledge of the private sector, Kamaroudin joined the University of Puthisastra (UP) as the Vice-Dean of ICT in March 2018, and is committed to fill the gap between Education and the Industry. He is working to improve the quality and relevance of the curricula by setting international standards and to prepare students to either entrepreneurship ventures or private sector’s jobs.
Kamaroudin believes in a practical approach to learn some IT subjects. He starts implementing Project-based learning for the Programming subjects, where the students are actually solving a problem, and implementing a real solution instead of sitting for a written exam. “Implementing a real project is much more interesting and rewarding for the students, and it’s actually what their future employers want to see. We also teach them how to use professional tools and methodology so they are ready to work from day 1.”
For the first time, for the new batch of 2019-2020, students will enter a Python Programming Bootcamp with daily mini-projects to complete. An approach used by the best international IT School to learn programming in the most efficient way.
Ready to learn IT the good way? Join us now for the Bachelor degree in IT (Programming or Networking) or the Master degree in IT (Data Science, Big Data, or Cyber Security)!
We are accepting enrollment for the academic year 2019-2020 Intake and you can now enroll with 75% Scholarship.
Registration Deadline – 24th October 2018
UP recently hosted 4 senior dental students from MAHSA University in Malaysia for 2 weeks. The students, 3 females and 1 male, were first-time visitors to Cambodia, and apart from the time spend in the UP Dental Clinic, they also took the opportunity to travel to Siem Reap and Sihanoukville. The students spent most of the time at UP observing and assisting in the clinic, and were able to see some types of treatment they had not seen in Malaysia. One highlight of their visit was a trip to Prey Sor Prison with our own UP dental students and tutors. UP has an MOU with MAHSA University and we are currently collaborating with them on research into betel quid chewing and oral cancer.
UP simulated pharmacy is open for pharmacy students during the vacation

The Summer Pharmacy Practice Course is additionally created during the vacation for free of charge to improve pharmacy practice among students and to prepare them to become competent pharmacists. The course consists of 4 chapters: pharmacy management; patient assessment; prescription validation; and patient counseling.
1. Pharmacy management:
– Stock control using: first-in/first-out (FIFO) or First-expiry/First-out (FEFO)
– Arrange of drugs in drugs store design layout: therapeutic or pharmaceutical category; alphabetic order; dosage form; random bin; commodity code
– Drugs recognition: generic name, brand name, chemical name, strength, form, indication, dosage and contraindication, and storage.
Inventory management
2. Patient assessment: cough symptoms, eye illness, cold fever, diarrhea symptoms, headache
3. Validation prescription: acne, diabetes type II, hypertension
4. Patient counseling: non-communicable diseases (NCDs), pharmacy based management and pharmacy planning.
There are 35 students being trained in this course, and we will provide the recognition certificates for those who pass the final assessment.