On a sunny day in Siem Reap, Cambodian female runner Eng Muyngim crossed the finish line with a huge smile on her face. She had just competed in the 32nd Sea Game, and it was a moment of triumph for her and for all women in sports. The English team from the University of Puthisastra was there to cheer her on, and it was a moment of pride for all of us.
The 32nd Sea Game in Siem Reap was a momentous occasion for Cambodia. Muyngim was nominated to represent Cambodian female runners, and she did not disappoint. She ran with all her might, pushing herself to the limit, and her hard work paid off. She finished the race with a big smile on her face, showing the world that Cambodian women are strong and resilient.
As her colleagues, we are proud to support Muyngim in her journey. Her victory is not just a personal achievement, but a symbol of hope and inspiration for all women in Cambodia and around the world.
We celebrate Muyngim’s victory at the 32nd Sea Game in Siem Reap. She is a true champion, and her triumph is a testament to the power of hard work, perseverance, and determination. We hope that her success will inspire many more young women to follow in her footsteps and pursue their dreams with passion and courage.

On the night of 5 May 2023, the Morodok Techo National Stadium in Phnom Penh came alive as it played host to the Opening Ceremony of the 32nd Southeast Asian Games. The SEA Games is the region’s largest multi-sport event, bringing together athletes from eleven participating countries.
For many members of our staff, attending the Opening Ceremony of the SEA Games was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. As a university, we are proud to have contributed our resources and support towards the hosting of these events, which not only promote sportsmanship and healthy competition but also help to foster greater unity and cooperation among the participating nations. Our staff saw this as an opportunity to show their support for the athletes and be a part of this historic moment.
Walking into the Morodok Techo National Stadium, one couldn’t help but be overwhelmed by the excitement and energy of the crowd. From the beautiful costumes of the performers to the magnificent light show and fireworks, the opening ceremony was a visual spectacle that left everyone in awe. As we left the stadium that night, we were left with a sense of gratitude for the opportunity to attend the Opening Ceremony of the 32nd SEA Games. UP staff felt proud to have played a small role in supporting the hosting of this historic event and to have witnessed moments that will live with us forever.

ChatGPT has become a household name as a go-to tool for users seeking support in a wide range of complex tasks. From handling complex issues, coding programs, syntax, and translation to designing course syllabuses, solving math problems, summarizing texts, conducting literature reviews, writing abstracts, research policies, project proposals, designing creative content, digital marketing, and analyzing case studies, ChatGPT offers assistance in many areas.
However, the rapid development of ChatGPT, from ChatGPT-1 to the most recent version, ChatGPT-4, has raised concerns among many universities worldwide. The overreliance on ChatGPT has led some students to neglect their full learning potential and use ChatGPT to cheat and use ChatGPT to do their assignments. Although some Asian nations, including Cambodia, have not officially permitted the use of ChatGPT, some students in those countries still find ways to use it without authorisation.
In response to this, CamTech University organized an open discussion on “ChatGPT for Higher Education: To Ban, Or Not To Ban, That Is The Question” on April 27, 2023. Esteemed experts from four different higher education institutions, including Prof. CHHEM K. Rethy (Professor of Technology and Humanity at CamTech), Dr. SAM Seth Serey (Director General, Institute of Digital Research and Innovation, CADT), Mr. TAM Sakirin (Vice Dean of Faculty of ICT at University of Puthisastra), and Mr. Leo Fernandez (Vice President for Academic Affairs, KIT), shared their perspectives on the benefits, challenges, control, and overall view of whether to permit or prohibit the use of ChatGPT in higher education institutes.
After a comprehensive five-hour presentation by local and international researchers, the panel discussion arrived at the consensus that ChatGPT-4 has become a significant and spontaneous assistant for all users and should be permitted within the established policy framework.

The International Conference on “Practice and Education in Contemporary Clinical Pharmacy” held from June to July 2023 at the University of Illinois Chicago, USA. The Faculty of Pharmacy would like to congratulate the faculty staff and Pharmacy students, including:
Mr. Sor Darayuth, Pharmacy Rotation officer at the Faculty of Pharmacy, was invited by the University of Illinois Chicago on this study tour to enhance the collaboration between the University of Puthisastra and the University of Illinois Chicago. During his visit, the UIC will arrange for meetings with deans, department heads and faculty members. In addition, he will attend a number of sessions at the International Conference on ‘Practice and Education in Contemporary Clinical Pharmacy’, covering a number of topics covered by clinical practice, such as clinical education and patient counseling. Patient Pharmacy, patient case analysis and evaluation.
There will be three Pharmacy students, including:
1. Ms. Leng Lina, 5th year Pharmacy student
2. Heang Phyda, 5th year Pharmacy student
3. Chhour Kimngean, 5th year Pharmacy student
The Faculty of Pharmacy appreciates the efforts of all the alumni. This achievement reflects the ability of Pharmacy students of the University of Puthisastra.

Congratulations to the 10 students of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Puthisastra who have been selected to take part in the International Conference on “RxSU International Summer Program 2023”
International Conference on “RxSU International Summer Program 2023” was held from 5 to 11 June 2023 at Silpakorn International University, Thailand. The Faculty of Pharmacy would like to congratulate 10 medical students, including:
1. Mr. Lat NoreakSathya
2. Ms. Yoy Sovattey
3. Ms. Roth SreyNuch
4. Mr. Loun Channra
5. Ms. Ma Sreyleak
6. Mr. Poul Philip
7. Ms. Ouom Narin
8. Ms. Phy Chanmoulnithik
9. Ms. Sin Chanrozana
10. Ms Chhour Kimngean
The International Conference on “RxSU International Summer Program 2023” will cover the basic topics needed for the system of education, health, research and cultural exchange among students. The Faculty of Pharmacy appreciates the efforts of all the successful students, including professors, teachers, for guiding the students, and this achievement reflects the ability of the medical students of the University of Puthisastra.
The Faculty of Pharmacy strongly believe students will strive to complete their studies to the best of their ability and ethically in order to improve the health sector.

On Wednesday, 10th May 2023, Senior Vice President of Abt Associates Allyson Bear, board members and PMI VectorLink Chief of Party Mr Im Chanry visited the University of Puthisastra. Mr. Ly Chanvatanak, Head of Health Sciences and Biotechnology, and Mr. Hem Chanvatanak have given a warm welcome. The meeting was hosted a meeting with all delegates for collaboration with Abt’s project (PMI VectorLink).
The meeting was focusing on the current collaboration project which is for capacity of molecular works for malaria vector Anopheles mosquitoes of malaria parasite detection and species identification and confirmation. Moreover, there was a laboratory tour of UP’s Laboratories where the collaboration project is taken place.
With this visit, the Faculty of Health Sciences and Biotechnology, Abt Associates Allyson Bear, and PMI VectorLink believe our collaboration will run more smoothly and successfully.

UP students actively being creative to make their own projects focusing on the business ideas and start up. This round will be conducted as the competitions. After the first trainings, the students are required to create their business plan, create the video as well as with the presentation with other groups. After the competition there will be only 10 out of 24 universities will be selected for the next round! We wish our students all the best for this competition!