Following the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the University of Puthisastra and Kantha Bopha Children’s Hospitals in March 2023, three MD year 8 students have started a 5-month pediatric internship at one of the hospitals.
Kantha Bopha Children’s Hospitals are the biggest national pediatric hospitals in Cambodia and provide treatment to thousands of children.
The addition of Kantha Bopha to the list of hospitals with which UP has an MOU provides further opportunity for its medical students to expand their knowledge in pediatrics.
We wish our interns success in their clinical rotation.
“Strengthening collaboration in Medical Education Between Harvard Medical School, Cambodia, Lao PDR and Vietnam”

The Faculty of Medicine hosted at the UP Campus the second in-person Workshop of the Regional Learning Collaborative Network on Competency-Based Medical Education. Delegates from Harvard Medical School, the University of Health Sciences in Vientiane, Ho Chi Minh University of Medicine and Pharmacy, and Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy participated.
Professor Ian Findlay welcomed the delegates to the two-day Workshop and emphasized the importance of modernizing medical education in the region.
Participating universities from Cambodia, Lao PDR and Vietnam illustrated the results of their initial small-scale projects, including the UP Faculty of Medicine’s introduction of clinical cases in the Physiology course. Interesting discussions followed also the presentations by Professor Barbara Gottlieb (Harvard Medical School) and by Ho Chi Minh University of Medicine and Pharmacy experts on competency-based medical education.
The third in-person Workshop will be held in September 2023 in Vientiane.

CHANVATANAK LY, initially called Mr.CV is a nationally and internationally working experienced, educator, advisor, community health leader, chief of academic, head or department, policy development, and researcher, with a Master of Health Professions Education, Public Health, and Nursing Science related from National Teachers Training Center for the Health Professions of the University of the Philippines and Bachelor of Sciences in Nursing from Marry Johnston College of Nursing of the Christian University, Manila and vocational training from other US and EU universities.
Prior to joining UP as Head of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Biotechnology, he has worked around government, non-government, and sectors related to health, education, and community development for good health and well-being including public university, national NGOs, International NGOs, UN-Agency, and private company and hospitals.
Mr. CV brings over 17 years of experience in Higher Education to UP and is excited to share his knowledge, skills, attitude, and experience of modern teaching-learning practice and innovation.
He is a former World Health Organization Western Pacific Regional Office (WHOWPRO) fellowship also a former fellowship of Fogarty Scholarship program of the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA).
Student’s Orientation in Faculty of Health Sciences and Biotechnology

On 28 April 2023, UP’s Dept of Science Research and Laboratory Sciences conducted an orientation session for the students of Science Research year 2 batch 2 and year 3 batch 1, Medical Laboratory Technology year 2 batch 11 and year 3 batch 10 and Bridging Bachelor Degree of Medical Laboratory Technology year 1 batch 1 with the participation from Mr. Ly Chanvathanak, Head of Faculty of Health Sciences and Biotechnology, Ms. Rien Samriththyda, Registrar and Executive Officer to the president, Mr. Kham Sokheng, IT manager, staff of the Faculty, as well as all students.
The objective of this orientation is to demonstrate the readiness for the new semester, curriculum, internships, study tour, and research activities, as well as UP’s policy and student regulations
Through this orientation, the Faculty of Health Sciences and Biotechnology strongly believes that the teaching and learning activities in the second semester will run smoothly.