TWELVE REASONS you should major in Pharmacy at University of Puthisastra?

Reason #01

University and faculty management have clear visions, missions and strong commitment to develop outcome-based education in Faculty of Pharmacy to be locally and internationally recognized.

Reason #02

Faculty of Pharmacy has enough qualified human resources: full-time and part-time lecturers, and academic staffs to manage, support and orient students to succeed in their academic and professional career. Six academic staffs have traveled abroad for training, research, conference and five international experts from the United States and Canada have been invited to train UP pharmacy faculties.

Reason #03

All laboratories and simulated pharmacies are fully equipped with modern equipment and instrument for our students to study, practice and conduct research. From the new academic year, Faculty of Pharmacy will invest in modern laboratory equipment and instruments to upgrade practical and research capacity of its laboratories.

Reason #04

Faculty of Pharmacy provides additional courses (Foreign languages, and research skills) and extra-curricular activities in addition to the national curriculum so that the graduates are competent to meet the local and international needs in the 21st century.

Reason #05

Faculty of Pharmacy has good collaborations with clerkship places including hospitals, laboratories, companies, pharmaceutical enterprises, industries and other universities to provide students with chances to do clerkship and volunteer work effectively and efficiently.

Reason #06

UP pharmaceutical students have opportunities to do international internship outside Cambodia. During the last 4 years, 178 students have been sent to do international internship and conferences in Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia.

Reason #07

UP pharmaceutical students have opportunities to do research and publish their research articles in national and international journals. 37 UP pharmaceutical students had published 7 papers in international journals and 22 abstracts in have been successfully published this year.

Reason #08

Faculty of Pharmacy has been closely collaborating with local and international universities and industries to conduct joint research, and provide scholarship and employment for students after graduation. Students will be able to continue their study all over the world.

Reason #09

English is the language of instruction in Faculty of Pharmacy of University of Puthisastra from the first year to the final year.

Reason #10

UP Faculty of Pharmacy is the only one school of pharmacy in Cambodia who is the member of Asian Association of Schools of Pharmacy (AASP), and International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP).