Prof. Toh Chooi Gait
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Professor Dr Toh Chooi Gait is the Pro Vice-Chancellor(Development) and Founding Dean of Dentistry and Professor of Restorative Dentistry at the International Medical University. She has more than 35 years of teaching experience having formerly worked in the University of Malaya.
She is an active member of many local and international dental organizations and had held key positions in the Councils of many of these organizations including President of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR) South East Asian Division (1997-99), Founding President of Malaysian Section of IADR (SEA Division) (2000-2002), President of the South East Asian Association for Dental Education (2000-2002), Founding Council Member of the Malaysian Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry (2004-2008). She was nominated to serve as member of the Board of Directors of the International Federation of Dental Educators (IFDEA) in 2007-2009. She was awarded honorary membership to the Malaysian Section of IADR in 2010 and a life member of the Malaysian Dental Association.
Currently she is Chairman of the Malaysian Dental Council (MDC) Protem Examination Committee for the Professional Qualifying Examination and MQA Joint Technical Committee for Evaluation of Dental Specialisation Programmes. Internationally she is the Chair of the Peer Review & Consultation Programme of the South East Association for Dental Education.
She is a member of the editorial boards of Operative Dentistry, the European Journal for Dental Education, Quintessence Asia Pacific Edition Journal, Journal of Interdisciplinary Dentistry and had served as a reviewer for other local journals. She has contributed articles to various peer-reviewed journals as author or co-author and has been invited to speak and conduct workshops at numerous professional and scientific meetings locally and internationally. Her special clinical interests are in implant dentistry, aesthetic restoration of the dentition using direct and indirect tooth-coloured restorations and tooth whitening.
Workshop 3: Designing Higher Order Questions to assess Clinical Reasoning Skills by Professor Toh Chooi Gait
Clinical reasoning as defined by Simmons (2010) is a complex cognitive process that uses formal and informal thinking strategies to gather and analyze patient information, evaluate the significance of this information and weigh alternative actions. The process of clinical reasoning is undertaken by all clinicians, often automatically, and is the cognitive process that underlies diagnosis and management of a patient’s presenting problem. Effective clinical reasoning is central to clinical competence. There are many methods available to assess clinical reasoning in non-workplace based environment, in simulated workplace environment and in workplace based assessments.
This workshop will explore the design and use of assessment tools in non-workplace based environment with a hands-on experience in constructing higher order questions using tools such as one best answer questions, extended matching questions and short answer questions for assessment of clinical reasoning.
Day 1: Pre-Conference
Workshop 1, 2 and 3
Workshop 1 - “Relevance of Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) in Dental Education: Developing the Essentials” by Prof Dr. Lin Liang Seow and A/P Dr. Sivakumar Arunachalam
Workshop 2 - “Special Care Dentistry in the undergraduate dental curriculum” by Prof. Emeritus Raman Bedi and A/P Dr. Jacob John
Workshop 3 - “Designing Higher Order Questions to assess Clinical Reasoning Skills” by Prof. Toh Chooi Gait
Day 3: Main Conference
Panel discussion with Dr. Ng Chin Siau, Prof. Toh Chooi Gait and A/P Dr. Hoang Trong Hung on topic “ Dentists of the Future – required skills and competencies”
Poster session