Prof. Seow Liang Lin
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Prof. Dr. Seow is currently the Dean for the School of Dentistry at the International Medical University, Kuala Lumpur and has previously served as academic staff at the University of Malaya for ten years. She received her postgraduate training in prosthodontics from the Eastman Dental Institute (MSc) and University of Manchester (PhD-split site programme). Prof. Dr. Seow is actively involved in continuing professional programmes to share her knowledge and experience with fellow colleagues; she has conducted workshops and lectured widely at various regional and international conferences. Her areas of interest include fixed prosthodontics, aesthetics, direct composite restorations, adhesion and dental education. She has also been actively involved in research and has won numerous awards at international arena namely the Gold Medal and Best Oral Presentation at the 20th Anniversary CEREC Symposium, the Best Poster Presentation at The FDI World Congress, the Best Oral Presentation at the Asian Academy of Prosthodontics Congress, 2nd prize and special prize at the Singapore IDEM 2008 and 2010 respectively, Travel Award at the 12th International Association for Dental Research (IADR, SEA Division) Scientific Meeting, Best Oral Presentation at the 2019 Annual Conference of South East Asia Association for Dental Education and the 2021 International Medical Education Conference. She has also published extensively in peer review journals. She has also won several research innovation grant in dental education.
She is responsible to drive the postgraduate programmes at the International Medical University, developed and launched the postgraduate diplomas in endodontics and prosthodontics, with flexible learning modules to enable general dental practitioners to enhance their knowledge and clinical skills. She is the Founding President of Malaysian Association for Prosthodontics and immediate past President of the Asian Academy of Prosthodontics. She was the Honorary Publication Secretary for Malaysian Dental Association for three consecutive terms (2007-2010) and had held the position of secretary and council member of the International Association for Dental Research (Malaysian Section). She is a member of the Malaysian Dental Council. She is also the Council Member for the Malaysian Association for Aesthetic Dentistry. Prof Seow is also an appointed examiner for the MFDS examination of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.
Innovating Dental Education: Empowering students in enhancing critical thinking skills
Over the past decade, a large amount of work has been conducted to enhance students’ learning in higher education, the focus is to encourage student engagement and promote deeper learning. Numerous innovative teaching and learning strategies have been proposed to optimize the learning process. There has been emphasis on students co-creating the curriculum and have ownership of their own learning. This lecture will elaborate on a few initiatives that the author has involved in eg. Peer assisted learning, student generated online formative assessment, e-OSCE, enhancement of clinical case discussion using recorded online video resources etc.
Day 1: Pre-Conference
Workshop 1, 2 and 3
Workshop 1 - “Relevance of Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) in Dental Education: Developing the Essentials” by Prof Dr. Lin Liang Seow and A/P Dr. Sivakumar Arunachalam
Workshop 2 - “Special Care Dentistry in the undergraduate dental curriculum” by Prof. Emeritus Raman Bedi and A/P Dr. Jacob John
Workshop 3 - “Designing Higher Order Questions to assess Clinical Reasoning Skills” by Prof. Toh Chooi Gait
Day 3: Main Conference
Keynote Lecture by Prof. Seow Liang Lin on topic
“Innovating Dental Education: Empowering students in enhancing critical thinking skills”
Poster session