Message from president of seaade council

Professor Passiri Nisalak
President of SEAADE
Since it was founded in 1990, the South East Asia Association for Dental Education (SEAADE) has grown into one of the most influential dental associations in the region. We currently have more than 60 member schools across different countries and regions in Southeast Asia. These include Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Japan, India and South Korea.
As the President of SEAADE, I firmly believe that the SEAADE provides an excellent platform for dental educators, practitioners, and researchers to share the latest academic insights and cutting-edge technologies applied in the field of dentistry. Our annual SEAADE meeting provides an open forum for the discussion of ideas and methods in teaching practices and curriculum advances in dental education. In addition, we also arrange visits to dental schools to exchange and suggest the best practices in dental education.
Our SEAADE council links up the schools and countries, which is essential to face the ever-challenging world. We strive our best to lead and serve without borders. I would like to thank all the member schools for their participation.