Message from organization chairman

Prof. Callum Durward
Chair of Local Organizing Committee SEAADE
Dear friends and colleagues,
As Chair of the Local Organizing Committee for SEAADE 2022, I would like to warmly welcome you to our annual meeting which will be held in the city of Siem Reap, the cultural center of Cambodia.
During the Covid 19 pandemic, we have all, as dental educators, been through some difficult times, along with our students. We have had to learn new ways of teaching and learning. We have been unable to travel and meet face to face. In many respects, dental education as we knew it has changed. Now is the time to get dental education “back on track” – the theme of this year’s conference.
During SEAADE 2022 we look forward to spending a few days together reflecting on our shared experiences, learning from each other, and looking toward the future. And most importantly — celebrating dental education with colleagues and friends from across our region and beyond!
I do hope you can join us in Siem Reap, where we invite you to experience some genuine Cambodian hospitality!