A new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) which causes the disease called COVID-19 is spreading across the world. For simplicity, the situation will be referred to as COVID-19. Although the seriousness and impact of the virus is currently unknown, it is prudent to prepare for potentially serious disruption which will affect all parts of society, including UP.

Universities are trusted sources of information and UP, as a one of Cambodia’s leading health sciences universities, has particular responsibility to pass on authoritative, reliable and truthful information and updates to staff, students and the general public. The Cambodian Government and WHO are providing good, regularly-updated advice and information on the disease and UP is following these closely.

The safety and well-being of all UP staff and students, and UP’s wider community is very important. Finding ways to maintain UP’s core business (education) during the outbreak is also a priority.

UP has therefore developed a staged approach in response to COVID-19, based on the advice of WHO and the Cambodian government. But the situation is changing rapidly so if changes occur, we will let students and staff know as quickly as possible.


1. Promote handwashing on a regular basis – soap/handwash is available in toilets and public areas including library and Canteen. Dry hands with paper towels after using the toilet.

2. Students and staff with fever > 37.5 °C and cough or sneezing must avoid coming to UP until they are better. Outside UP, such students and staff should wear a mask when in the vicinity of other people to help prevent transmission of infection to others. UP will provide greater flexibility in regards to attendance, when absences are due to respiratory infections.

3. All staff and student overseas travel to high-risk countries have been canceled. Current high-risk areas are mainland China, Japan, South Korea, Spain, Italy and Iran. Travel has also been cancelled to those countries who have imposed relevant travel restrictions.

4. People who have recently (from 1st March) returned from a region with a high level of COVID-19 infection will not be permitted to enter UP. Current high-risk areas are mainland China, Japan, South Korea, Spain, Italy and Iran. Signs will be erected outside gates informing staff, students and the public.

5. Everyone entering UP will be required to apply hand sanitizer, including those entering the dental clinic. The gates will be partially open to facilitate the dispensing of the hand sanitizer by the security team.

6. UP continues to educate staff and students on COVID-19 and how to prevent transmission. This is being done by email, Facebook and in all classes including reminders at beginning of each class about appropriate hygiene measures and signs of infection.

7. Staff and students are being encouraged to purchase hand sanitizer for personal use

8. UP continues to manufacture hand sanitizer for use within UP, and for sale to staff, students and the public

9. All meeting room, office and library furniture such as desks/tables, computer keyboards and mice should be wiped down with sanitizer/disinfectant before use

1o. All staff and students are asked to avoid unnecessary physical contact (including shaking hands and social kissing) and where possible observe a 1.5m distance between themselves and other people.

11. Drink bottles should be for personal use only and not shared. UP provides free clean water at the dispenser near Dental Clinic. Drinks are also avail able from Coffee-Box and canteen.

12. UP is preparing to continue to educate students and staff how to work remotely in case of illness or in the event that UP closes for a period of time

13. IT Department is putting IT systems in place and ensure that access to email and work files remain accessible even during a period of university closure should UP close.

14. Each Faculty and Department is developing plans of how students can continue to learn and how staff can continue to work and communicate during health-related absences and/or closure of the university. Academic Board is collating such plans to ensure consistency.


  • Practice good hand hygiene (frequent hand washing with drying of hands; use of hand sanitizer)

  • Practice good respiratory hygiene (cough or sneeze into elbow or a tissue, then bin it and wash/dry hands)

  • 3. Avoid inappropriate/unnecessary use of masks

  • 4. Avoid shaking hands and social kissing

  • 5. People who have recently (last 2 weeks) returned from an area experiencing high numbers of COVID-19 cases, and people who exhibit symptoms of COVID-19 should self-isolate until they recover. Those become seriously unwell and/or develop a fever, you should seek medical attention. They should not come to UP until better.

  • 6. Those who have respiratory symptoms (eg cough, runny nose, sneezing) should wear a mask to protect others from droplet infection.


  • Washing your hands regularly with soap and water or with sanitizer
  • Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing
  • Avoid contact with anyone who has flu-like symptoms including fever, sore throat, cough, or shortness of breath
  • Seek medical attention if you feel unwell
  • If you chose to use a mask, use it appropriately
  • Avoid sharing food, cutlery, crockery and other personal hygiene items
  • Avoid physical contact as much as possible e.g. shaking hands, social kissing
  • Avoid touching your face, shaking hands and rubbing your eyes as much as possible.