Dr. SOEURN Visal
Plans to reopen the campus buildings are well underway and include best practice on controlling the spread of COVID-19 to help keep students, families, and staff safe. The key principles of the guidelines provided by the Ministry of Health (MoH) and the Ministry of Education, Youth & Sport (MoYES) have been used in our planning processes, and include:
- A limited number of students coming to campus at the same time;
- Social distancing between desks in all classrooms;
- Personal Protective Equipment being ready when required for Laboratory use;
- Signs for distancing in all classrooms, laboratories and offices as well as throughout the public campus areas to remind everyone of best practice;
- Ensuring an efficient contact tracing procedure if case cases occur;/li>
- Hand sanitiser available at all gates to the campus (all visitors must wash their hands when entering campus);
- Hand sanitizer widely available in all public areas of campus;
- The use of sanitiser spraying machines once a week to clean inside the campus;
- Cleaning and sanitising of classrooms twice a day, using disinfectant.
- All students and staff to wear face coverings.