Dr. SOEURN Visal
Faculty of Pharmacy’s mission is to provide the highest quality pharmacy education to prepare students to become professionally qualified pharmacists and leaders in the field of pharmacy through in-class education, laboratory practice, on-field research, voluntarism, clerkship and internship within hospital pharmacies, community pharmacies, laboratories, and pharmaceutical enterprises both in and outside the country. Below is the summary of our achievements for the academic year 2018-19:
1. Enrollment rate
• UP Faculty of Pharmacy had the highest enrollment across UP after the national entrance exam result was released.
2. Pharmacy Faculties
and AASP (Asian Association of Schools of Pharmacy)
• Continuing Professional Developments for UP pharmacy staff is maintained through weekly Clinical Club, Journal Club, Research Champion, and
Curriculum Development Club
• Clinical Club is conducted to strengthen clinical skills for pharmacy faculties
• Journal Club is conducted to strengthen research capacity for pharmacy faculties
• Technical Curriculum Committee was created to modernize and change the pharmacy curriculum from content-based to competency-based
• Faculty of Pharmacy was the first faculty across UP who started computer-based exam for MCQ and OSCE for exit exams
• Faculty of Pharmacy strengthened the University-Industry collaboration for job opportunity, internship, and joint project
3. Curriculum Development
• Review ‘ Core Competency framework for Pharmacists in Cambodia’
• 1st Consultative workshop on Core Competency Framework
• Update of Core Competency Framework for Pharmacists
• Integration of English, Critical Thinking, , Community Outreach, and Pharmacy Practice Summer Course.
4. Laboratory upgrading
• UP simulated pharmacy provided training activities to all pharmacy students prior to hospital and community pharmacy
• UP herbarium was created
5. International internship/study tour/conferences/exchanges
• One-month international internship at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Khon Kaen University (KKU), Thailand (41 students joined).
• The International Conference on the 4th industrial revolution and its impact at Walailak University, Thailand (9 students attended),
and one of our students gets the best presentation award for research paper presentation.
• The 4th Industrial Revolution: Creating a New World for Health Professions Education at International Medical University, Malaysia
(7 staffs attended)
• The 9th Asian Association of Schools of Pharmacy at Ajou University, South Korea (29 students attended with 50%-100% travel grants)
• The 6th International Pharmacy Summer School, at University of Muhammadiyah, Yogyakarta (5 students attended).
• The Asian Science Camp, China (1 year-2 student)
• The Health+ program, Lublin, Poland (1 year-2 student)
• Study tour to International University of Health and Welfare and Japanese Association of Medical Technologist (4 students will join)
• The 3rd International Conference on Pharmacy Education and Research Network of ASEAN (ASEAN PharmNET 2019), which will be
held in November 14-15, 2019, Yogyakarta, Indonesia (15 students and one staff will attend)
6. Volunteering work
and pharmaceutical industries.
• In the 2nd semester break, 49 pharmacy students will start to do volunteer work in community pharmacies, and pharmaceutical
industries/companies (in which 12 students found the places by their own).

7. Research
UP pharmaceutical students and lecturers have published one full article in USA University Online Journal, 15 research abstracts and posters in local conference and magazine, and 27 research abstracts and posters in international conference and journal. As a result of this, 110 UP pharmaceutical students got actively involved in the 38 research projects. Among these abstracts and posters, three of them received the best poster awards at the
International Conference on the 4th Industrial Revolution and Its Impact, at Walailak University, Thailand and at the 9th Asian Association of Schools of Pharmacy, at Ajou University, in Republic of Korea.
8. Conferences/ Workshops
students joined it)
• The 1st Consultative Core Competency Workshop on March 23, 2019 (about 30 pharmacists from different areas of pharmacists join it).
9. Extra-curriculum activities

• White Coat Ceremony (November 28, 2018) (90 students joined it)
• Pharmacy annual trip 2019 (January 11-12, 2018) (220 students joined)
• 1st Ekiden Race (Running event) (January 12, 2018) (150 students joined)
• STEM Festival (February 21-23, 2019)
• Community outreach (year 5 pharmacy students) (June 28, 2019) (69 students joined)
• Discovery Festival (June 27-28, June, 2019)
• Parasitology project at Takeo province (year 3 students) (July 21, 2019) (100 students joined)
• Career Conference (August 19, 2019): 5 panel discussions (around 20 students participated in each panel):
and Ph. Chhum Sophan
+Panel 2* Community Pharmacy: Key successes in starting a community pharmacy by Ph. Kruy Kimsour, Ph. Chhou Sopheara, and
Ph. Khiev Phalnika
+Panel 3* Industrial Pharmacy: Required skills for success in industrial pharmacy by Ph. Uch Navin, Ph. Khin Chanthearanita, and
Ph. Suon Piseth
+Panel 4* Clinical Pharmacy: Challenges in implementing clinical skills in hospital and community pharmacies in Cambodia by
Dr. Chea Sin, Ph. Ly Sita, Ph. Kheng Sengly, and Ph. Heang Chanry
+Panel 5* Medical Biology: What are the required competencies (knowledge, skills, and attitudes) to become successful in medical
biology career? By Assistant prof. Chroeng Sopheap, Dr. Oeng Sopheap, and Ph. Lun Sokphyrak
10. Study Clubs:
– Orient them towards their field of interest
– Show them various job possibilities within pharmacy
– Encourage them to think out of the box
– Support and empower them and connect them with different professionals
– Experience sharing by senior pharmacists
C. Clinical Pharmacy Club is opened every Saturday from 13:00 – 14:00 to reinforce the students’ clinical skills by helping them to
understand the clinical roles of a pharmacist, the Good Dispensing Practice, and Prescription Validation.
11. 5 UP Alumni received scholarships to pursue their Master Degree abroad:
• Ung HuyKhim, Master of Health Consumer Protection and Health Management, Thailand
• Oeng Sokunvary, Master of Toxicology, Thailand
• Kimyen Oeurn, Master of Pharmacology, Thailand
• Un Sovorleak, Master of Management, France
Beyond these achievements, Faculty of Pharmacy is committed to bring more successes and produce more qualified pharmacists to make impact to the society and the world community.
12. After graduation
• 98.79% of batch 3 pharmacy students got the job according to the survey conducted on the graduation day.
• 6 Alumni passed exam to become government officials for the Ministry of Health