Dr Chea Sin Joins The 39th Asian Association of Schools of Pharmacy Board of Directors Meeting

Asian Association of Schools of Pharmacy (AASP) was established in April 2001 to promote the cooperative advancement of pharmacy education and research amongst pharmacy schools in Asia. The AASP mission is to serve its member schools and their respective faculties by acting as their advocate and spokesperson at the international level, by providing forums for interaction and the exchange of information among its members, by recognising outstanding performance among its member educators, and by assisting member schools in meeting their mission of educating and training pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists.

UP’s Faculty of Pharmacy is the only school of pharmacy in Cambodia who has been a member of the Asian Association of Schools of Pharmacy (AASP), since 2017. As one of the members of the Board of Directors, Dr Chea Sin was invited to join the 39th AASP Board of Directors on December 10, 2020. The objective of the meeting is to keep AASP activities running and to benefit the association and members despite the challenges faced as a result of COVID-19.

The agenda of the meeting included:

  1. Welcome address by the president
  2. Introduction of the BOD members
  3. Reading and review of minutes of 38th BOD meeting
  4. Treasurer’s report
  5. Report on Journal of AASP
  6. Report on 1st AASP Young Scientist Conference 2020 in Indonesia
  7. Report on 6th AASP Pharmacy Forum 2021 in Indonesia
  8. Report on 10th AASP Conference 2022 in Malaysia
  9. Report on 7th AASP Pharmacy Forum 2023 in Thailand
  10. Special topics (bi-monthly webinar, etc).

By joining with AASP, UP Faculty of Pharmacy continuously improves its quality of education and research to catch up with our counterparts across Asia, as well as the rest of the world. UP’s Faculty of Pharmacy is recognised worldwide and in the world schools list of Schools of Pharmacy.