Dr. SOEURN Visal
On 04,05, and 06 November 2015, Library teamwork of University of Puthisastra held an orientation on “How to use e-library and advantages of library as well as E-Resource”
The presentation held at Hall H of University of Puthisastra. There were two optional shifts for all the students to choose: in the Morning starts form 11:00 till 11.30 AM or in the evening from 4:00 till 4.30 PM.
The purposes of this orientation is to promote the location of library, importance of accessing the library technologically, self-study via internet, and additional understanding about some links, which are relevant to library of University of Puthisastra.
There were many students attended this orientation. Furthermore, all students were absolutely interested in this presentation by asking many questions to all teamwork about how to use library as well as find the books and resources or any documents that they need.
All teamwork strongly expected that this presentation is helpful to all students. It will enable them to learn to research more in order to get better result in their study.
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