In the final year of their studies, UP dental students are allowed to practice more advanced treatments, since they have already mastered all the basic procedures in the previous four years of supervised clinical practice. These advanced procedures include implants, periodontal surgery, use of the dental microscope, laser treatment, and rotary endodontics. Rotary endodontics is root canal treatment using a machine and files to clean and shape the canals.
Rotary endodontics is quicker and easier than the standard procedure, where the “files”are turned by hand. However a high level of skill is required to avoid any complications. Last week two of our specialists Dr Soy Rasy and Dr Chum Chenda conducted hands-on training for the students so that they can now use the technique in the UP clinic before they graduate. UP’s school is the only dental school in Cambodia that provides this level of training for its dental students.