The UP Faculty of Dentistry has been sending dental students to Chaktamok School for the past two years to provide basic preventive care and some dental treatment, under the Healthy Kids Cambodia project. Last week the Dean of Dentistry, Prof Callum Durward, and the Deputy Dean, A/Prof Soeun Sopharith, were invited by the MOEYS and the School Health Department to attend a ceremony at the school to officially open a new integrated health program for school children which will serve as a demonstration project for the whole of Cambodia. The project will have several components including hand washing, tooth brushing, health checks (including hearing and eye checks), basic dental care, and health education, using newly developed resources.

The Guest of Honor at the ceremony was HE Hang Chuon Narong, Minister of Education, Youth and Sport. Others in attendance were representatives from the School Health Department, the Department of Preventive Medicine (MOH), City Hall, and several NGOs and organizations which will join forces in this project. During the proceedings, children from Chaktamok School demonstrated handwashing and tooth brushing drills, and the ribbon for the new Health Clinic was cut by the Minister. UP will be playing an important role in the project, and will be sending dental students and possibly nursing students who could provide health checkups for the children. UP is very happy to be collaborating in this important demonstration project, which has the potential to be rolled-out all over Cambodia in the future.