Established in 2011, The University of Puthisastra Faculty of Pharmacy is one of leading institutions for pharmacy education in Cambodia, located in the vibrant heart of Phnom Penh, the capital city of Cambodia. We are recognized by the Royal Government of Cambodia and accredited by the Accreditation Committee of Cambodia (ACC).

The Faculty of Pharmacy offers three programs: Master of Pharmaceutical Sciences (M.Pharm.), Master of Medical Biology (MMB) and Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm.). Since 2020, UP Faculty of Pharmacy is recognized as a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) provider by the Pharmacist Council of Cambodia (PCC). There 10 departments under the faculty including the Academic office, Office of Rotation and partnership, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Department of Pharmacognosy, Department of Basic Pharmaceutical Sciences, Department of Medical Biology, Department of Pharmacology, Department of Toxicology, Simulation Pharmacy, and UP Pharmacy.

As of 2023, the Faculty of Pharmacy has 23 full-time academic staff and 84 part-time lecturers (62 national lecturers and 22 international lecturers). Currently, there are 700 students and 170 intake students each year. The Faculty of Pharmacy has successfully graduated 7 batches of students equal to 637 graduates. At present, these graduates are working in both public and private sectors in government, ministry of health, community, hospital, industry, company, laboratory, educational institution and NGOs. The Faculty of Pharmacy is known as the fastest growing school of pharmacy in the country.

Our mission is to educate students on mandatory and compulsory knowledge and skills related to community pharmacy, hospital pharmacy, industrial pharmacy, biological sciences, basic pharmaceutical sciences and the environment. Our comprehensive education is enriched by English, Critical Thinking, Information Technology, Communication and Research studies which are necessary for the success in the pharmaceutical field and the management of private and hospital pharmacies, medical laboratories, and pharmaceutical enterprises.


Program and Degree Study Period Program Details & Outcomes
Bachelor Degree in Pharmacy (B.Pharm.) 5 Years Bachelor Degree in Pharmacy:

By the end of the program, students are able to achieve the following learning outcomes.

  • I. Scientific Foundation for Pharmacy Practice

    #1. Possess knowledge on subjects that offer a solid foundation in biomedical sciences, pharmaceutical sciences, social, behavioral and administrative pharmacy sciences and clinical sciences and pharmacy practices.

  • II. Provision of Pharmaceutical Service

    #2. Apply knowledge and skills gained throughout their education, training, and work experiences to supply prescribed medicine and non-prescribed medicine.
    #3. Apply knowledge and skills gained throughout their education, training, and work experiences to manufacture and compound medicines.
    #4. Apply knowledge and skills gained throughout their education, training, and work experiences to organize and manage the work process and workplace with regard to pharmacy system and procedure, workplace management, human resources management and supply chain management.
    #5. Apply knowledge and skills gained throughout their education, training, and work experiences to create quality assurance systems and quality control.
    #6. To provide health education and drug information to patients, families and communities.
    #7. To identify the biological read-out circuits and concept on the quality assurance: phase look ahead, analytical phase, post-analytical phase.

  • III. Professional and personal behaviors

    #8. Practice with respect to legal, ethical and professional standards required by the Ministry of Health.
    #9. Adopt continuing professional development.
    #10. Analyze and synthesize information from medical and pharmaceutical literature for pharmacy practice.
    #11. Conduct relevant research in the area of pharmacy. #12. Be able to work in a team and collaboratively with other health professionals to improve patient outcomes.

To see the program details click here
Master of Pharmaceutical Sciences (M.PHARM.) 2 Years
  • Master of Pharmaceutical Sciences (M.Pharm.)
    This program is designed for pharmacy graduates to become a specialist in the field of drug management in hospitals, in the pharmaceutical industry, in public health, and in pedagogy. It also prepares students for doctoral studies. After graduating from this program, the graduates will be able to serve as a pharmacist responsible in public or private pharmacy, in pharmaceutical import and export companies, in the pharmaceutical industry, in public or private laboratories, university lecturers, or researchers in the pharmaceutical field.
    Master of Pharmaceutical Sciences has four tracks, which students will select at the second year.
    • Track 1:Quality Control and Quality Assurance of Health Products
    • Track 2:Pharmacokinetics and Clinical Pharmacy
    • Track 3:Medication and Public Health
    • Track 4:Hospital Pharmacy
  • Structure of curriculum: The curriculum lasts two years. During this period, there are different courses such as theories, practice and internship.
    • Theories are instructed by professional lecturers from inside and outside the country.
    • The practice is held with the support of modern lab equipment, manikin, interpretive films and short videos etc.
    • The six-month internship can be done in Cambodia or abroad, depending on the requirements of the thesis writing.
    • Thesis is one of the requirements to complete before graduation.
To see the program details click here
Master of Medical Biology (MMB) 2 Years
  • Master of Medical Biology (MMB)
    The Master of Medical Biology degree is intended for students who are interested in biomedical research. This master program focuses on the acquisition of key areas of expertise in medical laboratories such as biochemistry, hematology, immunology, microbiology, or toxicology, which are the bases for disease diagnosis.
    This program provides students an in-depth knowledge and skills to
    • Analyze and interpret the results of medical laboratory tests for various diseases.
    • Have good laboratory management skills, such as human resources management, budget management, planning skills, equipment management, reagents, waste, data, quality assurance, etc.
    • Use and understand the requirements of various biomedical test equipment and techniques, and have a good understanding of the mechanisms of medical biology.

Students who successfully complete Master of Biology degree will become highly qualified specialists in the field of medical biology with potential future careers in/as:

  • Management of medical biology laboratories in both the public and the private sectors.
  • Senior technicians working in medical biology laboratories to ensure the highest standards of laboratory quality.
  • Candidates for PhD studies in Medical Biology.
Structure of Curriculum

The first year of this program focuses on theories, practices and clerkship in the laboratory of the basics of biomedical science, which is an important topic in the diagnosis of diseases in the human body and understanding clinical mechanisms and physiopathology, as well as disease complications during treatment, prevention and research. This curriculum focuses specifically on health issues and the causes of the diseases in Cambodia and Southeast Asian region. The second year of training focuses on the study of medical laboratory management, quality assurance and biosafety, along with hands-on training and practice in the biomedical laboratory or in the hospital. Students are required to develop a thesis before graduation.

To see the program details click here
Faculty Team Members

Asst. Prof. Chhea Sophearom
Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy
Tel: (+855) 86 345 710


Mrs. Ung Huykhim, MSc
Assistant Dean | Faculty of Pharmacy
Tel: (+855) 11 223 293