QLTS Delivers even more Online Mini-Workshops for UP Lecturers

The Department of Quality, Learning and Teaching, and Students (QLTS) has worked closely in collaboration with UP’s Learning and Teaching Champions Committee to host the Online Learning and Teaching Mini-Workshop Series in August and September. The primary aim of the workshops was to advance our teachers’ pedagogies – the way we teach UP students, particularly in an online environment.

To promote different ways of providing teaching and learning opportunities, we delivered sessions about:

  1. Blended Learning and Teaching
  2. Collaborative Learning Including Peer Assessment and Self-assessment
  3. Developing Rubrics
  4. Flipped Classrooms
  5. Innovation in Teaching
  6. Keeping Students Engaged in Large Classes
  7. Online Learning Activities and Classroom Management
  8. The First Day of Class
  9. Types of Learner Assessment in Online Learning
  10. UPOP (Assignment Design)
  11. UPOP (Download and Grade Students’ Assignments)
  12. UPOP (Quiz Design)
  13. Using Effective Questions
  14. Writing Assignments

We also delivered sessions online designed to help teachers develop their technical skills in the use of Gmail, Google Drive, Google Meet and our primary teaching tool – UP’s UPOP Learning Management System. During October, we are supporting whole-of-faculty learning sessions about improving pedagogy both online and in-class. As well, we are formally reflecting on the Drop-in and Online Workshop Series sessions to evaluate our performances in terms of improving the quality, and prepare additional training materials to share within the upcoming virtual workshops. In November, we plan further Online Mini-Workshop Series for UP lecturers.

The QLTS teams in Learning and Teaching and the Learning Centre, together with our Learning and Teaching Champions colleagues willingly support all our UP lecturers in regard to the effective implementation of contemporary, evidence-based innovative teaching practice, either virtually or physically.

We love to share our knowledge and practices with colleagues either individually, in small groups, or as an entire Faculty.