A new Diploma in Dental Implantology program will be offered at the University of Puthisastra starting in January 2024.
The course will be delivered part-time, over 18-months, including 3 Semesters and two 2-week blocks of lectures, seminars and clinical training for a total of four weeks..
In between these blocks, there will be distance learning eg on-line lectures, seminars, surgical demonstrations, and journal discussions, as well as supervised clinical practice in the UP Dental Hospital. Each participant will place implants and restore at least 6 cases. The course will start in January 2024. This new post-graduate program is based on a similar course in Australia.
The program has been jointly developed by the UP and Diploma of Dental Implantology Teaching Team (DDITT) which is based in Australia. The Australian team members are all highly experienced implant, prosthodontic and periodontics specialists and academics, and most are renowned speakers or lecturers in the Australasian region.The three Cambodian lecturers are all specialists and highly respected.
The teaching team brings a wealth of experience and a well structured curriculum based on clinical science, unsurpassed in post-graduate dental implant education in Cambodia. The objective of the program is to give candidates a solid foundation in the comprehensive assessment, treatment planning, surgical and restorative principles, and clinical skills in implant dentistry.
Throughout the course, candidates will have
- Access to a highly competent local and international team for treatment planning and mentoring
- Contemporary curriculum based on scientific principles and clinical evidence
- Access to online Implant Journals
- Access to online lectures delivered by the teaching Faculty
- Access to live streaming of implant surgery being performed in Sydney
- Practical sessions which are performed using simulation models and pig’s jaws
- Supervised clinical surgical and restorative sessions at the UP Dental Hospital
- Digital implant planning technology in each part of the implant design and treatment
- An opportunity to join a study tour to implant clinics in Sydney once the course is completed.
Who can join?
Cambodian dentists (DDS) who are registered with the Cambodian Dental Council, who have a good level of English,and a good academic record. All candidates will undergo an entry test and interview. Dentists must be willing to attend four 2-week blocks of teaching over 18 months, and complete supervised treatment of at least 6 patients at the UP Dental Clinic.
Requirements to graduate
- Good attendance at teaching sessions
- Completion of at least 6 implant cases
- Satisfactory performance in internal and final assessments
- Completion of a literature review on a specific topic.
The course fee is $3000 (there is no requirement to buy implants from any company during the course). This can be paid in installments. Applications close on 07th October 2023.
Register now: https://forms.gle/xFNxJoiFrFznHPCq6
What is Implantology?
Implantology is the branch of dentistry dedicated to dental implants.
The dental implant is an artificial tooth root that is inserted into the jawbone (either the maxilla or the mandible). It often takes the form of a screw that is composed of titanium or titanium alloy. Dental implants can be considered for patients who are missing one or more teeth. A dental implant alone does not replace a natural tooth.
An abutment must be mounted on the implant once the latter has been inserted into the jawbone. Depending on the number of teeth to replace, an artificial crown, a full or partial denture or a bridge will be prepared and installed on the abutment(s). If the patient only has one missing tooth, a single crown will be sufficient.
If several teeth need to be replaced, many options are available: using a single implant with multiple crowns joined by a bridge or a prosthesis, or using multiple implants with distinct crowns. This choice is up to the patient, according to the treatment plan recommended by the implant dentist.