About University of Puthisastra

About UP

The University of Puthisastra (UP) is a private university in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, with more than a decade of experience in promoting excellence in health science and technology. It prepares and inspires the next generation of Cambodian doctors, dentists, pharmacists, nurses, midwives, laboratory technicians, computer scientists and technology entrepreneurs to contribute to better health and social outcomes for the people of Cambodia.

Recognising the importance of the role of universities, health professionals’ researchers, and students in contributing to the wellbeing of populations, UP is actively supporting the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals for achieving better health and wellbeing for people and the planet. In 2021 and 2022 UP was ranked a Top 500 university by the Times Higher Education for SDG 3: Good Health & Wellbeing and SDG 8: Decent Work & Economic Growth

It is in the spirit of inquiry and knowledge-sharing that UP warmly welcomes students, academics, health professionals, policy makers and researchers to contribute to two days of sharing, discussion, and dialogue on the role each has in furthering Cambodian health and wellbeing and progressing these SDGs for Cambodia’s future.

About this event

About the conference

Cambodia has made an impressive headway in improving health over the last few decades but very significant challenges remain. This conference is primarily focussed on SDG 3 (health and wellbeing) within the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals which provides a shared vision and global blueprint for achieving better health and wellbeing for people and the planet. Universities, health professionals, policy makers and researchers have a key role to play in contributing to changes that will provide improved health and wellbeing outcomes to all of society and ensuring no one is left behind.

This conference encourages researchers, academics, students, policy makers and clinicians to share knowledge, expertise, and practices to make positive and sustainable improvements to health outcomes which will contribute to improved healthy people, social inclusion, economic prosperity and environmental sustainability.

The University of Puthisastra is now inviting abstract proposals for paper presentations, panel discussions, poster sessions, and workshops on various issues related to Health in Cambodia and beyond. Proposals that include research, initiatives, and policy development to address one of (but are not limited to) the following subthemes:

  • Health education to improve capability and capacity building
  • Health service delivery including medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing & midwifery and laboratory technology – including reviews, case studies, problem-based approaches and policy
  • Health Futures – new treatments, approaches, drug development etc
  • Social determinants of health such as poverty, hunger, water, and sanitation to reduce inequalities and ensure good health
  • Interrelated SDGs and One Health - decent work and economic growth, reduced inequalities, gender equality, climate action, affordable clean energy, industry, innovation and infrastructure, sustainable cities and communities and responsible consumption and production for healthier communities.

October 13 - 14

Hall B
University of Puthisastra



Day 1: 13 October 2022

8h00 – 8h30 Arrival
8h30 - 8h45 Blessing dance
Moderator: Assoc Prof Tineke Water
8h45 - 9h00 Opening remarks President, Prof Ian Findlay, UP
9h00 - 9h30 Opening speech H.E. Prof THIR Kruy, Secretary of State for Health, Ministry of Health
9h30 - 10h15 Keynote Launching the Health Technology Road Map Cambodia 2022 to 2032
H.E. Prof CHHEM Rethy, Minister Attached to the Prime Minister, MISTI and H.E. Dr HUL Siengheng, Director General, MISTI
10h15 - 10h45 Morning tea break
10h45 - 11h30 Keynote Launching of the 2022-2030 Cambodia National Oral Health Action plan. “From Concept to Action”
Dr SIENG Thida, Dr NGETH Sokunmanyneath and Dr HOU Sokuntheary, Oral Health Bureau, MoH
11h30 - 11h45 Keynote “What can a pharmacist do, as a practitioner or as a scientist, to improve Cambodian health and wellbeing?”
Dr CHEA Sin, Dean of Pharmacy, UP
11h45-13h00 Lunch break
Poster presentations in Kospo Room

Call for Abstract

Abstracts must be in English, the languages of the conference. Abstracts should be between 250 and 300 words and contain the following information:

      1. Title for the paper or panel session
      2. Authors and affiliation
      3. Objectives and/or research questions
      4. Significance of the study/proposed topic
      5. Methodology/methods
      6. Findings/results/discussion

The deadline for abstract submission is 31st August 2022 at 23:59 (GMT+7). All proposals must be submitted to conference@puthisastra.edu.kh Abstracts will go through a review process and all submitters will be notified by 9th of September 2022. If you have any questions related to the abstracts, please contact Ms Muyngim ENG on conference@puthisastra.edu.kh

Event Sponsors

To get sponsorship for anything please contact:

Name: Mr. KOL Rotha
Email: krotha@puthisastra.edu.kh

Event FAQs

Yes, it is free for everyone including the oral and poster presenters, keynote speakers, panelists and participants.
No, there are only refreshments provided for the event. Participants can have lunch at the nearby restaurants.
There is a parking lot at the campus, but its capacity is very low, so suggesting you come to the conference using Tuktuk or motorbikes.
We suggest smart casual dress!

Event Venue

Room: Hall B
Address: #55, Street 180-184 Sangkat Boeung Raing, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Phone number: +855(0)69 620 406
Email address: conference@puthisastra.edu.kh

important Dates

Call for Abstracts

Abstract Submission Deadline

Abstract Acceptance Notification

Program on website

Registration deadline
