Dr. SOEURN Visal
Teacher Profile
A/Prof Kent Yuen
A/Prof Kent Yuen attained his Bachelor of Dental Surgery and Graduate Diploma in Clinical Dentistry (Oral Implants) from the University of Sydney. He completed a Master of Science degree (Oral Implants) from Frankfurt University. He is a fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons and the Academy of Dentistry International.
He is in private practice in Sydney focused mainly in oral implantology involved with both the surgical and restorative phases. His main interest is in simplification of implant dentistry and has been expanding approaches to graftless implant solutions.
Kent was past president of the Australasian Osseointegration Society NSW. He is Course Coordinator for the Implant Graduate Diploma program and is Clinical Associate Professor in Oral Rehabilitation at the University of Sydney teaching both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He introduced cadaver training in implant dentistry to Sydney in 2002. He has lectured nationally and internationally on various aspects of implant dentistry.