Foundation Year Program
The Foundation Year at the University of Puthisastra is an immersive experience in learning how to learn, including online coursework, project-based education, and creative workshops. It is a fun and empowering approach to preparing students for success in high-level classes in health sciences and information and computer technology.
There’s so much that makes the Foundation Year at the University of Puthisastra an engaging and enlightening experience, including Face to Face, a monthly dialogue series between scholars in different fields and accomplished professional artists, special research projects, as well as student clubs in health sciences, culture, leadership, community service and much, much more.
We’d be thrilled to have you join us on this exciting educational adventure.
Through online learning platforms, Foundation Year students have the opportunity to take innovative classes in physics, chemistry, biology, biochemistry, anatomy, embryology, demography, mathematics as well as psychology and philosophy, conducted by top-notch professors from some of the world’s best universities. They also take a class appropriately titled, “Learning How to Learn.” All online courses are led by bilingual mentors who speak Khmer and English, including many who hold advanced degrees from abroad.
All Foundation Year students learn PC skills, while ICT students advance to an introduction to computer science, including application development, web development, programming languages, software and hardware as well as terminology.
Bachelor Degree
The Doctor of Dental Surgery program is designed to produce graduates who possess the clinical skills and knowledge essential for treating patients in public and private settings, as well as the knowledge and skills to undertake oral health promotion and research activities throughout Cambodia.
This is a 7-year program, with an intermediate BSc at the end of year 5. Applicants will need to take entrance exams with the Ministry of Health in order to apply to the University of Puthisastra.
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Medical Doctor Program was designed to produce graduates who possess clinical skills and knowledge essential for treating patients at public and private hospitals/clinics at all level within Cambodia.
This is an 8-year program. Applicants will need to take entrance exams with the Ministry of Health in order to apply to the University of Puthisastra.
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Bachelor Degree in Pharmacy Program was designed to educate students with basic and compulsory knowledge related to community pharmacy, hospital pharmacy, industrial pharmacy, biological sciences, basic pharmaceutical sciences and environment as well as foreign languages which are necessary skills for pharmaceutical research and management of private or hospital pharmacies, medical laboratories and pharmaceutical enterprises.
This is a 5-year program. Applicants will need to take entrance exams with the Ministry of Health in order to apply to the University of Puthisastra.
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It commences with a Foundation year which provides a strong grounding for study in the following three years of the nursing program. Courses include sciences, nursing theory and skills, nursing education and health promotion, legal and ethical issues in nursing, hospital and community nursing and specialty areas of nursing practice.
This is a 4-year program. Applicants will need to take entrance exams with the Ministry of Health in order to apply to the University of Puthisastra.
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Associate Degree
It includes an overview of nursing sciences, sociology and psychology, and nursing theory and skills. It also includes legal and ethical issues in nursing, hospital and community nursing training and an introduction to some specialty areas of nursing.
This is a 3-year program. Applicants will need to take entrance exams with the Ministry of Health in order to apply to the University of Puthisastra.
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Medical Laboratory Program was designed to offer students with technical practices and theories under close supervision from lecturers as well as clerkship within hospital laboratories and medical laboratory institutes. Students will clearly understand both theory and practice because all lecturers are experienced with many year of teaching experience.
This is a 3-year program. Applicants will need to take entrance exams with the Ministry of Health in order to apply to the University of Puthisastra.
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Midwifery Program was designed to offer students with technical practice and theory relating to Birth Spacing, ANC (Antenatal Care), Baby Delivery, PNC (Postnatal Care), IMCI (Integrated Management of Child Illness), STD, Community Health Care and others. All courses will be under close supervision from lecturers for both theoretical and practical sessions including clerkship inside hospitals/ health centers.
This is a 3-year program. Applicants will need to take entrance exams with the Ministry of Health in order to apply to the University of Puthisastra.
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A new Diploma in Dental Implantology program will be offered at the University of Puthisastra starting November 2019.
The course will be delivered part-time, over 18-months, including four 2 week blocks of lectures, seminars and clinical training for a total of eight weeks.
In between these blocks, there will be distance learning eg on-line lectures, seminars, surgical demonstrations, and journal discussions, as well as supervised clinical practice in the UP Dental Hospital.
Each participant will place implants and restore at least 6 cases. The course will start in December 2019. This new post-graduate program is based on a similar course in Australia.
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