MD Thesis Supervisor

5 October 2023

I. Duties and responsibilities

  • Select a topic for a thesis
  • Work with the student/students to prepare a thesis proposal in English according to atemplate provided
  • Help the student/students to revise the proposal, if required to do so by the UniversityResearch Committee
  • Regularly meet with the student/students during the course of the work leading to a draftthesis
  • Make sure that the draft thesis is written in good English, is of good quality and ispotentially publishable in a peer-reviewed journal.
  • Help the student/students to revise the draft thesis as required by the Examiners and/orthe Dean
  • Be present at the Thesis Defense by the student/students

II.Qualifications and Requirements:

  • MD (Medical Doctor) degree with a completed thesis, OR postgraduate qualification(Master or PhD)


  • Expertise in the field of the student/s research or in a related field.